We'll help you to attract the very best talent
FlightJobs is the best place to advertise your next aviation job.
Our audience encompasses flight crew to business services, engineering to defence professionals.
You can utilise a variety of channels, including digital, print and social media to reach candidates that you need. Choose FlightJobs to source your new candidate today.
FlightJobs has introduced new advertising packages.
View these on the products tab.
For more information please call Nick on +44 (0)7786 851880 or email nick.lee@flightglobal.com
Why post your job with FlightJobs?

Advertise with FlightJobs and your job/s will be emailed directly to relevant jobseekers. We send out an average of 1,318,553 job alerts per month. These job alert emails will be sent to candidates that meet your requirements.
We also distribute a fortnightly Jobseeker Update email to a further 25,000 candidates worldwide.

Your dedicated account manager will work to understand your objectives and design a campaign solution that will deliver maximum ROI.
They will monitor your campaign performance throughout its duration, optimising performance on an on-going basis.

We are confident that by advertising your aviation job/s on FlightJobs you will attract the best candidates. Our clients receive up to 43 applications per vacancy*.
*Madgex Insights (2023)

By advertising on FlightJobs, your vacancy will also be promoted to the huge network of aviation professionals using our editorial content portal FlightGlobal.com.
FlightJobs is advertised extensively on FlightGlobal.com which means your vacancies will benefict from reaching up to 900,000+ of our highly engaged users.
Why choose FlightJobs? View the FlightJobs Infographic to discover more here:
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Please click here for more information on how advertising with FlightJobs is your route to the strongest talent in aviation.
Post your job today for just £995, Call Nick on +44 (0)7786 851880 or email nick.lee@flightglobal.com to discuss your recruitment campaign requirements
Just some of our satisfied clients
What our recruiters are saying…
"This was my first foray into using Flightglobal and I have not been disappointed. I was looking for a specific group of people and was inundated with high quality qualified individuals. I have found Flightglobal’s customer management, attention to detail of our advertisement, and the post-advertisement campaign assistance to be outstanding, professional, and value-adding. We will be using Flightglobal again, and I certainly recommend them to others in the industry."
- Andy Carré, HR Manager (Bristow International Aviation (Guernsey) Limited)